I’m traveling with a diverse group that includes members of the IMA Board of Directors as well as partners and friends of IMA. We’ve all come together to see IMA’s work in the field and we have a busy schedule ahead of us, but today was a day of rest.
I decided to join Ken Kovacs a pastor with Catonsville Presbyterian Church in Baltimore on an excursion to attend church. Catonsville Presbyterian has been a long time friend of IMA, supporting our Safe Motherhood Kit ™ and IMA Medicine Box programs.
Ken and I eventually found The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. The early service was running a little late so Ken and I situated ourselves near the back entrance to the church so we could hear a little better.I’m a photographer at heart so I brought my camera along hoping they wouldn’t mind if I took a few photos.
That’s about the time when we met Francis and his family. He is a driver for an organization based in Arusha and he greeted us with a handshake and a smile. He invited us to sit with him during the service, it was a friendly congregation but it always feels better to “know” someone when you attend a church for the first time. Even if you did just meet him!The service was delivered in Swahili, but I could still follow along. I don’t know Swahili - but I bet I could pick out the Lord’s Prayer in most languages.
His children, Doreen and Dennis loved to have their photo taken. I was trying to take my photos without bothering anyone when I noticed Doreen and Dennis bowing in prayer with their father.This looked like a wonderful moment so I decided to take it – I fired off a couple frames.
The sound of the camera set off a case of the giggles in the kids which Francis quickly got back under control.The service wasn’t interrupted, no harm - no foul, but it did end up being my favorite photo of the day.
Take a look and let me know what you think.
Old fashioned ..... no photography during a worship service .... but engaging smiles for sure.
Oh I don't know if that's old fashioned. A lot of churches prefer not to have photos taken during worship but I didn't get that feeling here. I did my best to be respectful, no flash and I thought it would be quiet enough, but the children were paying close attention to me. Closer than I thought!
Nice photo. I'm sure the kids were as interested in you as you were in them. Best wishes as your trek continues!
My God loves smiling happy children. And I'm sure he wouldn't mind if others are touched by this. I know I was. Keep going!!! :)
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